
HCP of the Month September 2022 – Akela M

Every day, VitaWerks collaborates with countless excellent HCPs. Their skill and intelligence in the field are only matched by their compassion and strength of character. In tribute to these special healthcare professionals, we take time each month to tell the story of one of these standout HCPs.

This time, we are beyond thrilled to name Akela M as our HCP of the Month! In early February, Akela joined our marketplace to take up temporary HCP shifts. Even as a dedicated working student, she still manages to find time in her busy schedule to take certain gigs with some of our partnered facilities. This devotion extends to her nursing work, which is immediately apparent to everyone that has the chance to work with her.

A supervisor from one of our partnered facilities labeled her as one of the most dedicated nursing assistants they have ever worked with. “She has not called off a shift even once, ever since she started working for us. No matter what I ask of her, I know she will get things done! I only wish she was available more often.” they elaborated. Akela’s drive is only matched by her compassion. Co-workers and patients alike have praised her as one of the kindest and most amicable individuals they have ever met.

This is all part of Akela’s approach to providing care services to her patients. “My mindset coming into each shift is to improve each patient’s day and quality of life… In my honest opinion, healthcare goes beyond their physical needs,” she explained. Outside of work, you can find her voraciously reading through all kinds of books. In particular, she finds herself partial to memoirs and medical history texts. Outside of that, you may also find her playing a couple of rounds of ultimate frisbee with a group of friends. Above all else, Akela is a decidedly family-oriented person. In her mind, any activity is time well spent provided it is with her parents and siblings.

It is exciting to think that Akela has just started her HCP journey. In her short time with VitaWerks, she has already touched and improved the lives of every patient that she has worked. With a work ethic like hers, we know that she will only continue to study, grow, and improve in her craft. CNAs like her will shape the future of healthcare as we know it. Whether she works towards other nursing roles or continues her excellent CNA labor, we are glad to support her every step of the way.