
How HCPs Can Travel Safely

Whether you are picking up travel nurse contracts or taking a vacation, HCPs have a load of opportunities to travel. With the Nurse Licensure Compact expanding by the day, they enjoy more job opportunities than ever before. Provided they have licensure in one of the 42 NLC states, they can practice freely within these territories without applying for new licensure. It is an exciting time to travel as a nurse, but you still want to err on the side of caution. Going to a new location is exciting, but you want to stay secure at all times. Consider these travel safety tips, before you plan your next flight or book your next travel nurse contract.

Do Research Beforehand

You want to get a good grasp of where you will be staying. In addition to tourist destinations and eateries, look up public transportation options. Would it be better to stick to a rented vehicle, or is commuting a safe and viable option? Finding the right answer may save you some money, in the long term. More importantly, you want to look into the crime rates of the surrounding areas. If you cannot avoid passing through certain zones or streets, you will at least be able to go through them with extra caution.

Come Well Prepared

As much as possible, you want to avoid conflict whenever it arises. If you have no choice, you at least want the option to fight back and protect yourself. Just be sure to check if pepper spray is legal wherever you are travelling. If it is, then this is a portable and convenient mode of self-defence. In case you wound yourself after an encounter (or from a mere accident), you also want a first aid kit on hand.

Bring Copies of Important Documentation

Carrying all your personal documents can be a pain. You want to avoid bringing them out as much as possible, but you are regularly asked to present them when travelling. Losing these items can be a costly mistake that can throw a massive wrench in your plans. To avoid this, you want to make photocopies of your documents. You can bring them out instead of your documents, in some cases. More importantly, they can provide temporary identification in case you lose the main documents. This includes but is not limited to, your passport, social security card, birth certificate, nursing credentials and more.

Keep Your Family Informed

It is important to keep your friends and family informed about where you are, and when you are traveling. This not only assures them that you are safe and sound, but this also provides emergency contacts in case something unexpected happens. Keep their contact information in your phone, and update them whenever you are departing or when you have arrived at your destination. Keep in regular contact with them too, if you can. Contacting them every day or every other day is a great way to maintain your connections while reassuring them, with regards to your safety.

Stay Aware at All Times

This may seem like simple advice, but it can be a lifesaver. It is all too easy to get preoccupied with your phone or whatever you are listening to on your earbuds, while you are out and about. In reality, you want to be aware at all times, especially while you are in unfamiliar territory. Not only can you take in the new surroundings, but this avoids potential run-ins or bumps that can lead to an unfortunate escalation. As much as possible, avoid walking by yourself at night at all costs as well. If you must, ask a security guard to walk with you to your vehicle at a late hour.